Our Governors

We currently have a Parent Governor vacancy available - For more information please email Junioroffice@chadsmoorfed.staffs.sch.uk

We have a dedicated Governing Body who meet regularly to support the work of the schools.

School Governors are staff, parents, and members of the local community, Staffordshire County Council and the Church Community who wish to make a positive contribution to children's education  They have an important part to play in raising standards through their key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and monitoring and evaluating the school's performance.

Governor Business of Interest

Meet the Governors

Mrs S Johnson

Head of School (Infant School)

I am a local lady who has grown up in the area, passionate about our Federation having actually attended both the Infant and Junior Schools as a pupil. After qualifying, I worked in Walsall for 2 years before transferring into Staffordshire. Following working in another school in Staffordshire, I have worked at the Infant School for over 20 years, initially as a class teacher and now as the Head of the Infant School and also a Governor. I believe that everybody should live their dream. By working as part of a fantastic team, I want to provide the children of Chadsmoor with a wide variety of opportunities, giving them the best start possible to develop their skills and their aspiration to do whatever they want to do in their future.


Rev C Ambler

Chair of Governors


I have been a Methodist minister for 35 years working in Plymouth, Consett, Stoke-on-Trent and Stockport before moving to Cannock during the Covid lockdown. Part of my role in Cannock is as the minister of the Methodist church in Chadsmoor. I am a Foundation Governor, and new to the role so learning the ropes as we go. It is good to play a part in the life of the school community here, alongside other people from the church and beyond. Prior to ministry I worked for the travel agent Thomas Cook and still love to travel when the opportunity arises.


Mrs M Whiteman

Safeguarding and SEN Governor

I joined the governing body of Chadsmoor CE Junior School in 2017 after leaving teaching as I continue to have a strong interest in education and became link governor for SEN. I have 18 years teaching experience beginning with teaching English before moving into a variety of Special Needs settings. I worked predominantly with children with autism in a variety of SLD and MLD settings. I also have experience with other needs such as dyslexia and dyspraxia, and have worked with the different agencies that can be involved in a child’s journey through school. I was made Chair in October 2018 and am looking forward to working with the governing body to ensure we place staff and pupils’ wellbeing at the heart of what we do. The ethos at Chadsmoor Federation school is a nurturing and caring one and I am proud to be part of a school where staff, governors and pupils all share such a positive approach to education.


Mrs K Thompson


I am local to the area having grown up in Hednesford and attending St Mary’s RC Primary and Cardinal Griffin schools. I have 2 children who attend Westhill Primary and Kingsmead. I work as a commercial manager in the construction industry and have a passion for inspiring the next generation to take up subjects in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). In particular, I believe in encouraging girls to believe they can do anything they want to do if they put their mind to it no matter what their background or family circumstances and that should they want to take up roles traditionally considered jobs for the boys then there is no reason that they should not pursue that desire. I believe a good education provides the best opportunity to break down stereo-types and barriers to provide every child the aspiration to strive to achieve the very best they can be and want to work with the school to provide that quality education.


Mr B Gwilt

LA Governor

Hello my name is Bill Gwilt, I’m 53 years old married and live locally. I’m a co-opted health and safety governor. I have many years’ experience working as a senior manager for a local authority. My background is working in sport and leisure and property services in particular and in more recent years facilities management. I’ve been a governor at the Federation over a year now and I’m currently the chair of governors at school in Walsall. I’m a service manager for a small family run educational support company. I manage the facilities management arm of the business including consulting and supporting many schools with their site management, caretaking and cleaning services.



Rev N Upson-Smith

Foundation Ex-Officio

I moved here with my family in September 2019 from Northamptonshire. I have a daughter who has recently left Chadsmoor Junior School to high school and a son who is a student at Stafford College. I have been involved in schools in a variety of roles over the past 20 years, as a parent, a Church of England Reader/Lay Chaplain, a community volunteer, a member of staff, a Governor – and most recently as Vicar. I have a particular interest in Christian ethos, Collective Worship, spirituality and Religious Education. I value the opportunity to be part of our school community and am keen to strengthen the relationship between the school, the parish and the wider community. I find reading very relaxing and enjoy a wide range of books – especially historic & military fiction, science fiction, mysteries, biographies, social history and travelogues. I also enjoy making things - although I’m not an expert I can bake, sew, and enjoy trying new crafts or creative activities.


Mrs W Smith

Foundation Governor

My name is Wendy Smith -  a Foundation Governor for the School. I am one of a team of four Churchwardens who serve the Parish of Chadsmoor - my particular area of responsibility is Community Engagement.  


During my career I spent 10 years as the Secretary to the Managing Director of a local engineering company.  I took a degree in Estate Management and worked for 20 years as a Manager of Shopping Centres within the Black Country.  I then moved into the Public Sector and spent 10 years as an Administrator in the NHS.


I have a very close affinity with the School.  My late husband, Edward, was a pupil at the Chadsmoor Juniors when it was a boys school and in recent years my granddaughter, Lily, attended the Infant and Junior Schools before leaving three years ago.  I have seen for myself how good the school is and how committed are the teachers.  Lily was given a sound grounding in education which will help her through life - I consider it a privilege to be given the opportunity - through my work in the Church - to support and encourage these schools as they move forward in the future.


Mrs R McCourt

Co-opted Governor 

Coming Soon!


Miss A Reynolds 

Parent Governor 

Coming Soon!

Mr M Powell 

Co-opted Governor 

Coming Soon!


Miss J Derry

Staff Governor 

Coming Soon!