Our Values Poster
Our Vision
Our Mission Statement
Our Mission is to develop the whole child academically, socially, emotionally and physically to prepare them for a successful future. We want every child to have the opportunity to thrive within a culture of shared values and mutual respect.
Our Motto
Enjoying Achieving Together
Our Values
At Chadsmoor Federation values are very important to us and an integral part of how we all work.
We particularly focus on our Chadsmoor slogans, as a guide and reminder of what we are as a school.
Promoting British Values
In November 2014, the Department of Education published guidance on promoting British Values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. All schools have a duty to 'activity promote' British values.
At Chadsmoor Federation we uphold and teach pupils about British values in order to;
"…ensure that they and the school promote tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths (or those with no faith), cultures and lifestyles; and support and help, through their words, actions and influence within the school and more widely in the community, to prepare children and young people positively for life in modern Britain."
These British Values are;
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
- Tolerance of others
Alongside these essential British Values we aim build on the foundations provided for us by our strong Christian ethos and the values of; respect, responsibility, self-control, honesty, kindness, patience and perseverance, and friendship.
At Chadsmoor Federation we believe that it is fundamental that the children are at the centre of the school community and that their opinions and ideas are respected and valued.
Each year the School Council is elected through a democratic election process where every pupil has the option to announce their candidacy and stand for election. During the election week pupils from every class make candidate posters to display around the school and write speeches to orate in front of their electorate.
Throughout the year the elected pupils from each class form the School Council that meet regularly throughout the year to discuss and decide key matters arising. In recent years the school council has been at the fore front of playground design, become key players in the consultation and implementation of the schools Positive Behaviour Policy, raised money to support school and local charitable causes and discussed rewards and sanctions.
We ensure that each pupil is provided with an opportunity for their voice to be heard by completing annual Pupil Surveys to garner their views and ideas on our school.
Our Governing Body is comprised of elected representatives from the staff, parents, local authority and the community; they meet termly with the Headteacher.
We invite parents and carers for their views throughout the academic year and the school has an open door policy encouraging parents to speak to school staff to alleviate any concerns and facilitate the learning of the pupils.
The Rule of Law
The importance of rules and laws are fundamental to the running of all organisations and Chadsmoor Federation is no different. We promote the understanding of rules through an agreed set of expectations that are vital to the success of the Positive Behaviour Policy. Alongside the expectations are agreed rewards, for positive behaviour choices and a set of sanctions for less desirable choices in pupil conduct. These expectations, rewards and sanctions are taught, discussed and reinforced through PSHEE lessons on an annual basis. Furthermore, the Positive Behaviour Policy at Chadsmoor Federation is built on the foundations of our Christian Ethos, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the ideas behind Restorative Justice. The schools 'Expectation Charter' is displayed around the school and in each classroom or intervention room and school staff are proactively committed in upholding these expectations.
We are currently in the process of reworking the anti-bullying policy and the procedures for removing undesirable bullying behaviour; we hope to launch this in anti-bullying week November 2015 anticipating that this will further promote the ideas around civil and personal responsibility, positive behaviour and the rule of law.
Individual Liberty
Whilst at school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices; we feel that this is stimulated by promoting a safe, supportive and nurturing environment throughout the entire school.
The concept of individual liberty is strongly imbedded in the Positive Behaviour Policy and in the way behaviour is managed, rewarded and sanctioned. This is the fundamental reason why Chadsmoor Federation has decided to introduce a set of expectations in pupil conduct rather than a list of rules; this helps to present behaviour, positive or negative, as a choice. For example, if a pupil chooses to abide by the expected behaviours they are choosing to be rewarded, however, if a pupil chooses to break the Expectation Charter, they are choosing to be sanctioned.
In Year 6 the pupils are taught the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) through their PSHEE lessons and this is always presented as a Rights = Responsibilities model. This encourages pupils to exercise their rights whilst considering what responsibilities they have in relation to themselves, their families and the local and global communities. During this essential module of PSHEE pupils also consider what life would be like if these rights and liberties were removed by studying notable figures such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and Anne Frank amongst others.
Mutual Respect
Respect is at the heart of everything that the school represents, it is at the centre of policy, heavily featured in The Expectation Charter and especially nurtured through the overarching Christian Ethos embedded throughout the school. Respect is constantly and consistently discussed and reinforced in collective worship, PSHEE and through all interactions with pupils, parents, and the local community.
Chadsmoor Federation's Positive Behaviour Policy is based around ensuring that all members of the school community take care of and respect one another whilst valuing one another as individuals.
Tolerance of Others
At Chadsmoor Federation we feel it is important to not only tolerate the cultures, faiths, believes, opinions and lifestyles of other people, but instead we aim to proactively embrace them. At Chadsmoor Junior School we are fully committed through the values of the Christian faith to embrace all positive aspects of tolerance, including respect, acceptance and understanding. We aim to enhance each child's understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and to provide opportunities to experience such diversity.
We welcome pupils and families of all faiths and cultures into our school community, we teach about other faiths and their importance in the world through our Religious Education lessons, we teach difference and diversity through our PSHEE programme exploring key differences such as gender, race, religion, economic disadvantage, disability awareness and stereotyping.
Through our Positive Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying initiatives we take prejudice in all its guises with the highest priority and take opportunities to actively promote these values to the whole school community and further afield.