SAT Testing
SATs are statutory assessments carried out by all state schools. SATs testing takes place at Key Stage 2 (KS2), when your child will take part in National Curriculum tests in Reading , Maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar at the end of Year 6 (usually age 11). Writing is teacher assessed using an assessment framework.
Link to DfE KS1
Link to DfE KS2
Key Stage 2 Results 2022 (School Data) National Results
(No National Data for 20/21 due to National Lockdown)
% pupils meeting the expected standard compared to schools nationally. To meet the expected standard pupils must gain a scaled score of at least 100.
Reading | Writing | Spelling Punctuation and Grammar |
Maths | Reading Writing and Maths combined |
Chadsmoor | 71% | 64% | 80% | 75% | 54% |
National | 74% | 69% | 72% | 71% | 59% |
The average scaled score in each subject
Reading | Maths | Spelling Punctuation and Grammar | |
Chadsmoor | 104.5 | 104 | 105.1 |
National | 104.4 | 105 | 106.3 |